Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The New Wave of Entrepreneurs: Young Farmer


The current state of employment and employ-ability around the world is poor. Wage earners are poorly remunerated, middle level managers are wage slaves and all in all the situation appears pretty hopeless.
There are many reasons as to why this is the present situation, and for the first time in 100 years we are seeing a backlash to the industrial revolution, which was once the answer to many families dreams. What we are witnessing in our life time is the need to return to independent ways and means of generating income. For any individual who has hopes and dreams for their life the only solution today is self – employment in some shape of form. Welcome the era of the entrepreneur.

About This Campaign

Employees and workers all over the world are constantly being short-changed by the companies and organizations they work for. Salaries and wages are lower than ever in correlation to the cost of living and there seems to be no sign of any improvement in the near future.

WorryFreeWorker.com is an online service that provides a range of resources to assist in the journey of becoming self reliant and taking responsibility for ones own income stream.

The key to a prosperous future is figuring out the best way to generate a sustainable income that you can manage, maintain and grow.

This crowd funding campaign has been put together to raise funds for the development of a series of training videos that will do just that, for young people and those seeking financial independence the world over.

The set of training videos on Catfish and Poultry farming will provide insight and the know how for anyone interested in starting their own successful agri-business. We have done all of the research for you and now after running many successful training programs we are ready to take our knowledge and solutions to the world, so we can help as many people with a vision for a successful future as possible.
If you are looking for a realistic life changing solution to building your own business within Agriculture then you will want to continue reading this campaign to find out everything you need to know to make your dreams a reality.

Depending on factors such as level of education and training, and even the sector the business is in, entrepreneurs on average in the US earn between $75,000 – $171,000 p.a. and this figure includes new junior entrepreneurs.

College graduates for the first 5 years of their careers as employees earn on average $30,000 – $47,500 p.a.

Of course these figures are the average and there will be many exceptions in both a positive or negative movement, however it is very difficult to argue with the huge discrepancy.

So what can you do to begin the process of becoming a captain of commerce, rather than a slave wage?


WorryFreeWorker.com provides the resource, methods and solutions that you need to make the move into a prosperous future.

WorryFreeWorker.com provides the resource, methods and solutions that you need to make the move into a prosperous future.

TO LEARN MORE or help CONTRIBUTE to WorryFreeWorker.com, please visit:

If you would like to contribute by Bank Transfer, please pay into the Account below:

Account Name: Trellis Communications Nigeria
Account Number: 0118341623
Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank

After making your contribution, send an email to info@worryfreeworker.com stating the name you used in making your bank transfer so that we can give you the benefit and gifts your contribution entitles you to.
If you would like to contribute by PayPal, please click on the button below:

After clicking this button,you will be redirected to paypal's site where you can pay with your credit card or PayPal.

P.S:Once the tutorial videos are released in October, it will cost a minimum of $50(or N10,000) to be able to watch ,stream and download them.

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