Wednesday 29 June 2016

Omg! Angry Husband Burns Wife's V*gina for Sleeping with His Brother

A man has gone on rampage beating his wife before burning her private parts after catching her having s*x with his brother.
*Photo used for illustrative purpose*
An angry husband has used a log on fire to burn his wife's private parts after catching her sleeping with his brother. The incident which happened in Zimbabwe has left everyone in great shock.
According to New Zimbabwe, Morgan Kombani, 37, appeared before Mvuma magistrate Vimbai Makora charged with domestic violence and theft. He was accused of physically abusing wife, Moline Mwanza, and killing two beasts belonging to his brother, Michael Kazomba, as punishment for sleeping with his wife.
According to court evidence, on March 15 this year, Kombani, upon discovering the illicit relationship, assaulted Mwanza all over the body before burning her privates with a log on fire.
On June 6, he then went to his brother`s homestead where he allegedly took two beasts and drove them to his own homestead and slaughtered them.
He was however, seen by his brother`s wife, who notified Kazomba, and the matter was reported to the police.
The cops conducted investigations and discovered two carcasses at Komboni`s mother`s homestead. The two beasts were valued at $1,200.
Appearing in court, Komboni pleaded guilty to the domestic violence charge.
He however denied stock theft, arguing that it was a family decision for him to take his brother`s beasts as compensation for sleeping with his wife.
The trial continues Friday (June 24).

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