Thursday 3 September 2015

Man Accidentally Kills Himself While Taking Selfie With a Loaded Gun (Photo)

A 19-year-old Houston man died Tuesday after accidentally shooting himself while taking selfies while holding a gun, police said.
Deleon Alonso Smith

Deleon Alonso Smith, 19, from Houston, United States of America met his untimely death last Tuesday at 1:30pm at an apartment in Southwest Houston.
 Police report reveal the teenager accidentally shot himself dead in the throat while trying to take a selfie with a gun loaded with bullets.
Investigators say Smith had found a gun and was taking pictures of himself and a cousin while holding the weapon and posting them to social media websites when the gun discharged, killing Smith. The cousin was in another room when the shot was released.
His uncle Eric Douglas has been grieving since his demise while Smith's grand mother is also weeping uncontrollably. While speaking with the media representatives, Douglas said:

“It’s the worst feeling in my life,”

“It’s a numb feeling,” grandmother Alma Douglas said. “It’s still unbelievable. Yesterday was my birthday and he came to wish me happy birthday, and now this kind of news.”

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