Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Drama as Man is Caught Having S*x With a Donkey

A s*x pervert has been caught red-handed having s*x with a man's donkey and has offered to pay the bride price of the animal.
A man has been caught red-handed having s*x with a donkey. However, the crowd were shocked when the man offered to pay $150 in a bid to evade disciplinary measures.
Dennis Muteyo (44) was reportedly caught having s*x with a donkey in the middle of the night by its owner, Farai Shumba. The incident happened in Zimbabwean village of Kasvoro.
According to Metro News, the alleged animal rapist was caught by Shumba when he was having a nice time with the donkey and reportedly failed to escape. Shumba force marched the accused to his friend’s place.
Realising he was in for a big fix, Muteyo offered to pay $150 as lobola (a bride price, traditionally one paid with cattle) for the donkey and to show his seriousness he transferred $40 to Pedzisai via Ecocash. Unfortunately, his money did not save him as the three men decided to proceed to the police to report the matter.
As a result he was arrested and he pleaded not guilty before the magistrate citing that donkeys were a distance away from him. Due to overwhelming evidence, he was fined $200 (or 3 months imprisonment) and an additional six months were wholly suspended on conditions of 5 years of good behaviour.

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