Tuesday 22 March 2016

Jealous? See How Popular OAP Toolz Reacted When a Lady Tried to Admire Her Husband on Instagram

A lady took to Instagram to admire the husband of OAP Toolz who just got married, but what she got was definitely not what she bargained for.
If you want to admire Toolz’s husband you might want to consider another social network because Instagram is not where to do it.
Toolz's husband, Captain Demuren recently posted the photo below on Instagram:
A fan who was impressed by Demuren's looks, decided to praise him.
"You're a really good looking guy," the female fan wrote.
However, when the man's wife, Toolz saw the her husband's admirer's comment, she stormed the coment section of the post to give the woman an indirect warning to stay off.
She wrote: @jennymassy27 Yes he is...Thank You!
Apparently Toolz is always on her husband comments section to catch ladies like one @jennymassy27 who she caught redhanded admiring her man

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