Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Omg! This Heavily Pregnant Woman's Amazing Yoga Poses is Shocking and Unbelievable (Photos)

You will really be shocked after seeing these unbelievable Yoga poses by this pregnant woman that everyone is now talking about.
Kokobie enjoys Yoga
This pregnant Yoga expert is living life on the edge. Her name is Kokobie from Ethiopia, but currently living in Canada,Toronto.
The woman who released unbelievable and stunning photos of her poses has left many people in admiration and shock. Some of the pictures are very extreme and carefully executed -  which if not careful, could be disastrous. 
Kokobie while talking about herself said: "I have always been interested in yoga, but I never made it to a yoga class until recently when I had the opportunity to attend Kinoyoga’s class. I started practicing yoga and working out at home 6 weeks after my 3rd baby in July 2013 when a friend gave me an iPad. I got a yoga app right away. I fell in Lï¸�ï¸�OVE, and I never stop since.
"My body changed in so many ways, I have changed in many ways. I have lost a lot of weight, about 60lbs. Maybe 70lbs I have not checked in a while. My body is toned and very flexible now. I don’t focus on my flaws anymore. I accept myself the way I am. I have never Lï¸�ï¸�OVED myself more then I do now."

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