Monday 10 August 2015

Drunken Mama: 110-year-old Woman Claims Drinking Beer Makes Her Live Long

An elderly woman, Agnes Fenton credits her long life on this planet to believing in God and steadily drinking beers and whiskey.
Supercentenarian, Agnes Fenton, has revealed that three cans of beers and a shot of Johnnie Walker Blue Label each day keeps her healthy.
Fenton revealed that her daily beer routine started at 70 years ago after a health scare involving a benign tumor.
When her doctor discharged her, she stated that he left her with this important piece of advice: “Agnes, you must drink three cans of beer a day.”
She revealed she followed his suggestion to the letter for decades and she even added a glass of whiskey to the mix. 
According to the Record, her caregivers have recently taken alcohol out of her daily routine because she eats less now. 
The Englewood, N.J., resident turned 110 on Saturday surrounded by more than 40 children she took care of during her years as a nanny. 
“When I was 100 years old, I went to the mirror to thank God that I was still here. And I thank him every morning,” she told the Record.
“He gave me a long life and a good life, and I have nothing to complain about.”

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