Tuesday 4 August 2015

Meet the Boy With 7 Inch Tail in India, Worshiped as a god (Photos)

A 13 year old Indian boy named Arshid Ali Khan with a 7 inch tail has become an idol of worship in the Punjab area of India due to his rare possession.
Arshid Ali Khan
Arshid Ali Khan, 13 is currently an idol that is being widely worshipped in the Punjab area of India as a result of his 7 inches tail at his back. He was allegedly born with this rare feature. Alot of people believe the kid is a divine symbol. Locals believe he is a reincarnation of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman and they refer to him as Balaji.
Arshid in an interview has revealed he is indifferent about his tail. Locals from Punjab as well as other areas in India pay him regular visits to touch his tail and make wishes. They believe he blesses them and there have been testimonies about the barren giving birth and other sorts.

Arshid lives with his grandfather, Iqbal Qureshi, and two uncles, after his father died when he was four and his mother remarried.

Mr Qureshi, a music instructor, said: "When he spoke for the first time at the age on one all he spoke was the names of Gods from different religions. It was that day I realised that he had something divine and godly about him. It does not matter whether we are Muslims or Hindus, I think there is just one path for spiritualism."
Arshid’s home has been converted into a temple where his devotees come to visit him to receive his blessings and touch his ‘tail’.‘A lot of people’s wishes have come true after they have visited.  Sometimes there are childless couples who come to Balaji for help. He blesses them, and often they are then able to conceive.

However, Arshid often struggles to balance his time with his faithful devotees and attending school and playing with his friends.

Arshid is currently a student and he spends his free time to attend to 20 to 30 visitors that come for prayers at regular intervals. Despite his diabolical powers, the young idol can't walk as he moves around in a wheel chair. They have been conflicting doctors' reports about his inability to walk with some doctors tracing it to his tail.
See more photos:

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