Saturday, 25 July 2015

Blinded Ignorance: Nigerian Transgender, Stephanie Rose Continues Her Blasphemous Rants on Facebook

Nigerian transgender and avowed God hater, Stephanie Rose has continued to live in ignorance as she continues in her blasphemous rants.
It's been over a month since the Nigerian transgender, Stephanie Rose, went on a personal war against God, calling him all sorts of names and pouring insults on Jesus Christ.
The self acclaimed non-conformist and God-hater who said God is more wicked than the devil, has continued to use her Facebook page to continue to assault God and this time around, she has taken her war to God personally.
Read what she wrote on July 18:
"Such foolish God is not love but the culmination of wickedness and evil. The God is our DNA, the God is in the blood of people dying prematurely; the God is in the Cancer of innocent people born with such disease, the God is in the brain tumour and leukemia of people born with these inconsistencies of nature!

The useless and stupid God is in Nature and nature is certainly not fair to every body. Those that died of Cancer and sickle cell would have wished they were not born that way! FUCK YOUR FOOLISH GOD ... MAY HIS USELESS GLORY TANISH."

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